We are pleased to offer a suite of career resources to our alumni to help you to navigate your next steps. Many of the resources available to current students are accessible by alumni; we encourage you to explore those resources below.
Explore Brown's Career Tools & Resources for Alumni
Career Advising for Public Health Alumni
Many of the positions in our new career portal are curated specifically for alumni. Browse our alumni-specific career opportunities:
We are proud to announce the launch of our new curated career portal for public health students/alumni to search for — and employers to share — public health-focused opportunities. While optional, if you create an account by sharing your email address, you can easily manage your positions (e.g. mark as filled, duplicate for future openings, etc.).
We also encourage you to join, network, and share opportunities in our Alumni and Careers LinkedIn Group.
Brown is behind you — and alongside you — all the way. Let Brown be the liaison between your resume and your dreams. Start with Brown Alumni & Friends' suite of tools and resources. They’re easy to use, free, and exclusively for alumni.
Additional Resources
Big Interview
Alumni at Brown SPH have free premium access to Big Interview's best-in-class AI interview and resume feedback tools. Create a profile using your @alumni.brown.edu email address.