Whether you’re looking for an experience to learn new skills, a full-time applied public health experience/internship to fulfill degree requirements, or a postdoctoral fellowship, we encourage you to start broadly and narrow your search as you go. Here, you’ll find local, national, and global internship & fellowship resources to help you get you started.
Internships, Research and Fellowships
We always recommend starting with the myriad resources Brown offers to support student research. These resources are also helpful in securing next-step opportunities, as many are external to Brown. Explore the Division of Research website for more information:
Formal research assistantships within the School of Public Health are shared in both the Brown Student Employment portal (Workday) and in our Public Health Career Portal (below). While no formal internship or research programs currently exist for non-Brown students, interested candidates may express interest directly with faculty after searching for shared research interests in the Researchers at Brown portal below.
Undergraduate Students
- Undergraduate Teaching and Research Awards (UTRA)
- iProv Summer Fellowship
- Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship
Graduate Students
- Postdoctoral Fellowships and Faculty Positions at Brown SPH
- Online Resources for Graduate Students and Postdocs in BioMed
All Students
- American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
- Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)
- CDC Public Health Associate Program (CDC PHAP)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- National Academies
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- NIH Intramural Postbac Program
- Oak Ridge STEM Research, Internship, and Fellowship Opportunities (ORISE)
- Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF)
- Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH)
Whether you're a doctoral student looking for postdoc opportunities, or a postdoc fellow seeking an academic job, we encourage you to launch your search using the resources below. For general career advice, please visit Student Resources.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Portals
- Brown Office of Graduate Studies
- FindAPostDoc
- National Postdoctoral Association
- Postdoc Jobs
- Versatile PhD
Academic Career Portals

Kris Britton: This summer I worked with a non-profit organization called “Movement Education Outdoors” which focuses on providing outdoor recreational activities and education (gardening, hiking, kayaking, and sailing) to Black and Brown children from Rhode Island’s core cities (Providence, Woonsocket, Pawtucket, Central Falls) ages 11-17 years old. I serve as a camp facilitator with a focus on analyzing the organization’s impact through a public health lens. I’ve created pre and post-surveys for the children regarding their overall impressions of the program and their comfortability with being outdoors.

Ray Che: This summer, I’m interning at Agape Clinic — a free clinic in Dallas, TX. I’m thrilled to be back after volunteering here during my undergraduate studies, now empowered with the skills and knowledge I’ve gained from the MPH program at Brown. Working in a health consultant-type role, I’m conducting an objective assessment on the implications of transforming the clinic into a Federally Qualified Health Center. I’m also evaluating the healthcare needs and barriers of the local underserved pediatric population and developing an evidence-based strategic plan for expanding pediatric care at the clinic.

Cody Douglas: This summer, I've worked with my local health department back home in Plattsburgh, New York, where I've helped with data analysis of their recent Resident Survey and with writing the Community Health Assessment. I had the opportunity to present the results of the Clinton County Health Department's Resident Survey at the Priority Setting Event in collaboration with our local hospital, where I served as an expert on the results of the Resident Survey. At the Priority Setting Event, I explained the health and social challenges that our residents have experienced over the past year to community members, including our county's State Assemblyman Billy Jones and the President of a local community college, both pictured here.

Jalisa Stanislaus: I spent an inspiring 4 weeks at the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) in Nairobi, Kenya. During my time with the organization, I got a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to work for a global NGO — I collaborated with a team of researchers on a manuscript about transactional sex among adolescents, conducted data analysis, and assisted with the organization’s communications activities. While visiting a community-based advocacy organization, I heard firsthand about the experiences and challenges of sex workers and members of the LGBT community in Nairobi. Additionally, I traveled to a Maasai village and learned about the impact of culture, diet, and education on the tribe’s overall health.

Sarah Blau: I work with two community organizations in Providence – The Partnership for Providence Parks and the Community Libraries of Providence. At the library, I support a program that offers free books, math education and crafting activities to families and young people in public parks across the city. I focus on the craft and active learning aspect of the program. Our activities invite students to reflect on their own food consumption and engage in discussions around the food system more broadly.