Brown's unique curriculum helps students learn to engage with others, analyze complex problems, think critically and create solutions that have real-world impact. With a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a commitment to helping others, our students and alumni are ready to make significant contributions to your organization.
For Employers
Thank you for connecting with the Brown University School of Public Health students & alumni!
For Employers
Thank you for connecting with the Brown University School of Public Health students & alumni!
Graduates in the Class of 2022
Employed within 12 Months of Graduation
Undergraduates with Honors in Class of 2022
I want to...
School of Public Health Students
Explore our curated career portal for public health students/alumni to search for — and employers to share — public health-focused opportunities. While optional, if you create an account by sharing your email address, you can easily manage your positions (e.g. mark as filled, duplicate for future openings, etc.).
All Brown University Students
In addition to posting your opportunity in our school's portal above, you can reach over 9,000 students at Brown by creating an account and posting your positions in Handshake.
We want you to maximize your time and effort when recruiting at Brown. As attendance at online information sessions has been increasingly difficult to predict at the school level, we encourage hiring managers to share career opportunities primarily through the school's digital channels. If you would like to host an online information session and hope to reach a broader audience, we recommend using the Brown Center for Career Exploration's recruiting resources.
Search Brown's current student and alumni networks on LinkedIn by location, industry, graduation year, etc. Please note that more public health graduates are connected to the greater Brown LinkedIn page.
You bring the resources, expertise, and connections of your fellow Brown alumni with you. For a general overview of our graduates' next steps, explore our undergraduate post-graduate data and graduate career outcomes. To support your outreach, we encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities:
SPH Career Portal
Explore our curated career portal for students/alumni to search for — and employers to share — public health-focused opportunities. While optional, if you create an account by sharing your email address, you can easily manage your positions (e.g. mark as filled, duplicate for future openings, etc.).
Share your opportunities directly with students and alumni by joining our LinkedIn Alumni & Current Students Group
Brown Center for Career Exploration
Register for a recruiting event or learn more about our on-campus interviewing program with Brown's Center for Career Exploration
Reach over 9,000 students at Brown by creating an account and posting your positions in Handshake
Get Involved
Engage with prospective School of Public Health graduate students as an Alumni Ambassador
For a general overview of our graduates' next steps, explore our undergraduate post-graduation data and graduate career outcomes.
Center for Career Exploration
Brown University's Center for Career Exploration’s Employer Partnership team serves as a strategic link between the University and the professional world, fostering mutually beneficial relationships that drive innovation and success.
Graduate Outcomes
A Brown education prepares students to flourish as independent thinkers, innovative collaborators, and active global citizens. Learn about our public health graduates’ next steps.